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A Letter to the Delaroq Community

A Letter to the Delaroq Community

 Illustration by Jojo Karlin

@jojolarlin on Instagram


Dear Friends, 

Like many of you, we find ourselves rapidly adjusting to the widespread impact of Covid-19. In these times, we are thinking about the safety and well being of our Delaroq community as well as many vulnerable communities throughout the world. It is with caution, courage, and compassion that we grapple with how to best navigate the current circumstances. Throughout this process our thoughts have repeatedly returned to the power of community. Here in New York, our city constantly demonstrates the extraordinary potentials of international collaboration. Today, we share Jojo Karlin's illustration of Patience, one of the two marble lions that flank the steps leading into the New York Public Library.


These lions have guarded our beloved temple of knowledge since 1911. "Their nicknames have changed over the decades...During the 1930s, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia named them Patience and Fortitude, for the qualities he felt New Yorkers would need to survive the economic depression. These names have stood the test of time: Patience still guards the south side of the Library's steps and Fortitude sits unwaveringly to the north." 

- New York Public Library


Over the next few months, in solidarity with global relief efforts, we will be donating 10% of our sales to Direct Relief and The United Nations Foundation. Over the next few days, we will offer tips that we have found useful. We also welcome you to share any routines, resources, or thoughts that have been helpful to you during this time because we believe that we are stronger together, Together, we will face this challenge with patience and with fortitude. Let's take good care of ourselves and of each other.


With all of our hearts, we wish you well, 

The Delaroq Team


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