In 1736, Benjamin Franklin said, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" and we couldn't agree more. As many of us adjust our daily habits to keep ourselves and our communities safe, we found the New Yorker's recent interview with Dr. Asaf Bitton, to be both informative and succinct. Link to Dr. Bitton's best practices for social distancing can be found in our bio. Have you read particular articles that have been helpful? If so, we welcome you to share. Please comment below. Here are a few of our favorite excerpts about how we can collectively 'Flatten The Curve':
"...I want to really emphasize that social distancing is really about that physical separation. It is not—and, in fact, it won’t work if it means—an actual disconnection socially from each other, which would have tremendous, tremendous effects pretty much on everybody, but especially kids and the elderly and other vulnerable populations."
"Please take walks, please bike, with a helmet. Interact with your family members outside. But really the key is don’t interact with people outside of your home unit—whoever you are already in close contact with. The C.D.C. is recommending maintaining a distance of six feet, because that is as far as they can tell droplets can travel. And don’t touch other people."
"The way I look at it for social distancing is that you never know what your individual action, especially a preventive action, can and will do. It is very hard to quantify a negative of something bad not happening. But we do have good evidence of what doing nothing will cause to occur."
"I do want to say one thing about health-care workers. It has been wonderful that there is an appreciation of especially E.R. and I.C.U. physicians and nurses and the incredible courage and fortitude they are showing. And I also want to acknowledge the people we always forget about that are just as heroic and critical in this battle. There are people like the janitors, the patient-care attendants, the phlebotomists, the lab techs, the people who make food in a hospital, radiology techs. All these people that a hospital doesn’t function without are critical, and are taking risks to do the right thing. They are often underpaid, and work really hard shifts. I just want everyone to remember them and the sacrifices they and their families are making to keep the system going."
-Isaac Chotiner, New Yorker Magazine


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