For many of us, Working From Home is a new experience, the duration of which presently remains unknown. If this circumstance is new for you and you're trying to think about how to adjust, we found helpful tips at Refinery29, The Muse, and Inc. websites.
Have other helpful tips? Feel share in the comments below. We're posting our top ten here:
1. Set firm working hours and let the people around you know that you will need to work without distractions during those times.
2. Create a dedicated work space. Do not work from bed.
3. Get dressed.
4. Identify what needs to get done that day and do it.
5. Build transitions in and out of work. Set routines that help you come into focus and that also help you decompress.
6. If you are used to working onsite and in teams, check-in with with coworkers and managers regularly.
7. Remind yourself to take breaks, get up, stretch, and hydrate.
8. Do not get sucked into the news or any other form of distraction.
9. Stay out of the kitchen.
10. Set a plan to socialize virtually after work.